If you have been looking for free online career advice or you are trying to decide what employment path to take, this website can guide you with useful ideas and locations for training, as well as help you search jobs in England, Northern Ireland, Wales or Scotland UK or the Republic of Ireland. Careers advice is offered for jobseekers, including those already employed, graduates, students or school-leavers.
Browse the following industries for job ideas that may suit your skills, experience and ambitions:
Administration and Secretarial
Advertising, Marketing and PR
Agriculture and Working with Animals
Alternative Therapy
Armed Forces and Security
Building and Construction
Catering, Travel and Hospitality
Education and Teaching
Emergency Services
Financial Services and Banking
IT – Information Technology
Law and Legal Support
Logistics and Transport
Medical and Nursing
Media and Broadcasting
Publishing and Journalism
Sales and Retail
Science and Research
Social Services
Sport and Leisure
We are constantly adding more pages for help such as CV tips or writers and ideas for potential jobs that could help you meet your goals.
Free online employment and career advice from Careers Guide UK and Ireland.