Navy Officer

If you are wondering how to become a navy officer, below are tips and advice on training for and beginning careers in this area of the armed forces and home security, as well as job prospects in the UK.

The Job Description
Royal Navy officers are senior managers in the Royal Navy, working onboard ships and submarines.

Typical responsibilities:

warfare officer – controlling weapons and defence systems during peacetime and in combat operations, and assisting the captain on the bridge with navigation and on manoeuvres
air engineering officer – making sure the ship’s aircraft are ready to fly when required, and working with the aerospace industry on improving aircraft design to meet operational needs
weapons engineering officer – managing a team of technicians who maintain weapons delivery systems, detection sensors, and communications equipment
logistics officer – managing the delivery of supplies, equipment and specialist staff for operational tours, and providing advice to the captain on legal, financial and personnel matters
medical and nursing officers – providing medical care on ships, submarines and ashore.

Person Specification
The key personal attributes of good navy officers include:

the ability to inspire and motivate your team
resilience and resourcefulness
self-discipline, confidence and determination
the ability to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the men and women in your command
excellent communication skills
physical fitness, stamina and resilience
to be prepared to operate in combat situations.

How to become a Royal Navy officer
You can enter the Royal Navy as an officer from the age of 17. The upper age limit is usually 26, but there is an higher limit for some roles. You must:

have a minimum height of 151.5cm
meet strict eyesight standards
pass a medical
meet the Royal Navy nationality and residence requirements.
To apply for Naval College Entry (NCE) you would need the following (or equivalent) qualifications:

five GCSEs (A-C), including English Language and Maths
two A levels.
If you have a degree you can apply for Direct Graduate Entry.

You would need specific qualifications for some officer roles, for example to become an engineering officer you would need an accredited engineering degree.

For some roles, such as those in medical services, the Royal Navy recruits professionally qualified staff.

You may be able to get financial assistance through sixth-form scholarships, sponsorship or bursaries for degree courses at certain universities.

To be a chaplain you must be ordained, recommended by your church authorities, and usually have had three or more years’ experience of parish work. You would serve initially for six years.

For all officer roles you would need to pass the Admiralty Interview Board at HMS Sultan in Hampshire. This is a two-day assessment which includes:

gym tasks
discussion exercises
tests in communication, numeracy, mental agility, spatial orientation and physical fitness.
You can get free leaflets and full information and advice on Royal Navy officer careers by ringing the Royal Navy Career Enquiries helpline or by visiting your local armed forces careers office. Contact details for these are listed in telephone directories under ‘armed services and reserve forces’ and ‘careers advice/careers guidance services’.

Training and Development
You would begin your career as a Royal Navy officer at the Britannia Royal Naval College at Dartmouth in Devon. Your basic training here would last up to 12 months, depending on your area of specialism. It would include:

leadership and teamworking skills
commanding and managing junior personnel
handling boats.
As part of the training, you would spend seven weeks at sea on a warship.

You would then do further training in your specialist area. See the careers section of the Royal Navy website for details.

You may be able to add to your skills, experience and knowledge by moving to a new ship or shore base. Opportunities for this are likely to come up every two to three years.

The Pay (a rough guide)
Midshipmen/women and sub lieutenants start at between £15,169 and £21,940 a year, depending on age
Lieutenants earn from £33,795 and £40,190 a year
Lieutenant commanders earn from £42,570 to £50,983 a year
Commanders earn between £59,747 and £66,046 a year.

Job Prospects
The Royal Navy recruits around 500 new officers each year. You would join on an Initial Commission for 12 years. You may leave during initial training, after giving 14 days notice. After this, it is usually possible to leave after three to five years, depending on the branch.

You would be automatically promoted to Lieutenant, provided that you pass the training and perform to an acceptable level. After that, you could progress to Lieutenant-Commander and beyond if you prove your ability to lead and achieve certain career milestones.

Useful security or armed forces resources:
Royal Navy
Careers Enquiries: 0845 607 5555

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