If you are wondering how to become a zoologist, below are tips and advice on training for and beginning careers in this area of the environmental sciences, as well as job prospects in the UK.
The Job Description
Zoologists work in a wide range of jobs that involve studying animals and their behaviour.
As a zoologist you could be involved in areas such as:
developing and testing new drugs
improving agricultural crops and livestock
disease and pest control
conservation of endangered habitats and species
animal welfare and education
developing policies and enforcing regulations for government agencies.
Typical responsibilities:
conducting field and laboratory research
giving presentations and publishing information in journals and books
studying animals in their natural environment or in captivity
identifying, recording and monitoring animal species
gathering and interpreting data
using complex procedures such as computerised molecular and cellular analysis and in-vitro fertilisation
producing detailed technical reports
supervising technicians.
You would usually specialise in one area, such as ecology (animal environments), herpetology (reptiles), entomology (insects) or parasitology (parasites).
Person Specification
The key personal attributes of good zoologists include:
an interest in animals and the environment
an aptitude for sciences, particularly biology and chemistry
the ability to conduct detailed work accurately and methodically
the ability to plan research, analyse and interpret data, and write reports
practical skills and the ability to devise solutions to problems
patience, perseverance and the ability to concentrate for long periods
the ability to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team
strong communication and IT skills.
How to become a zoologist
You will usually need a degree in a subject such as zoology, animal ecology, parasitology, animal behaviour or conservation.
To search for colleges and universities offering foundation degrees, HNDs and degrees see Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). You should check entry requirements with individual colleges or universities.
For some jobs, particularly in research, you will need a postgraduate qualification, usually a PhD. To search for postgraduate courses see Hobsons Postgrad.
Training and Development
You will need to continue to develop your skills and knowledge throughout your career. Membership of professional organisations such as the Institute of Zoology (IoZ) and the Institute of Biology (IOB) will give you the opportunity for continuing professional development and networking. See the IoZ and IOB websites for details of membership.
For some jobs, such as conservation and fieldwork, you will usually need to gain experience in areas such as scientific data collection and research methods by doing voluntary work. See the IoZ website for details of volunteering opportunities, research projects, postgraduate courses and PhD studentships.
You can do a wide range of professional development courses through the Field Studies Council.
Before you are awarded a PhD you will need to:
work on a research project alongside senior research colleagues to develop the skills you will need for sustained individual research
produce a thesis based on your findings
be interviewed at length about your research.
The Pay (a rough guide)
Recent graduates can start at around £15,500 a year.
Zoologists in research posts earn around £27,500 a year.
Senior research staff can earn around £50,000.
Job Prospects
You could be employed by universities, government research institutions, the NHS, medical research establishments, museums and other cultural organisations, zoos and wildlife trusts, environmental protection agencies and water authorities.
In the private sector you could work as a consultant or in a technical and research role in areas such as agriculture, fisheries, biotechnology, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and petroleum.
You could use your experience as a zoologist to move into other jobs such as management, marketing, sales or scientific journalism. You could also have the opportunity to work and study overseas.
Useful environmental resources:
Institute of Zoology
Zoological Society of London
Regent’s Park